Monday, October 29, 2007

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

OK, so I achieved my goal for one week, and all of the food I bought was local. How was it? Did it feel great, was it easier than I thought? Well, it was fun and not too difficult to do the shopping. Cooking was fine, too. The only problem was that Jeff and I were SO HUNGRY all week. SO hungry. All of our food was local and organic, but there was so little of it! We had some very good dinners, and J got to take some of those for lunches, but there wasn't much to nibble on in between. We don't eat huge meals, so we are often hungry throughout the day, and J eats a lot of toast. What about when a loaf of bread costs twice as much as usual? I am not big on starch, but local meats and cheeses are the biggest expenses on the shopping list. We pulled through the week, but it was pretty discouraging. I went straight to TJs and bought several loaves of bread to put in the freezer, and stockpiled inexpensive, imported chocolate and California cheese. Sigh.
Moderation is not something that comes naturally for me, but I am learning that idealism can really bite you in the butt! I am ready to try again, and will work to be smarter about it, selling out only where it is most efficient, and enables me to enjoy the rest of the disciplined part.
In the mean time, I bought 20 lbs. of tomatoes for 50 cents per pound, and canned them-- fun!


Daniel Shackelford said...

Keep in mind that lifestyle changes are sometimes better if small and over time. Our idealism whacks us about the head at times too, but we are starting to see that small incremental changes will last longer, and in the end stick. But we are right there with you! It would be a whole lot easier if TJ's was about an hour away, as it is for us now.

So why do we still have ramen in the house?

Bethany said...

Ahem.... Shin ramen. And I bought some cheap ramen to make fumi salad. A little blast to the past. But I really should only buy one package at a time so I am not tempted to eat all that starch and msg for a meal! Heh

ShackelMom said...

Oh yeah, fumi salad! We need to have some of that again!

Balance and a bit of reality is the key, I think. Shoot high when you can, shoot low when you need to.